Top 5 Tips to Decorate Your Home with Paintings

Top 5 Tips to Decorate Your Home with Paintings

Top 5 Tips to Decorate Your Home with Paintings

Posted on March 10th, 2023.

Hi there! My name is Barbara Gildin, and I am the owner of Art With a Personal Touch, a business based in Boynton Beach specializing in Multi-Media Artwork. In this blog post, I will be sharing my top 5 tips to decorate your home with paintings that will help you create a visually appealing and personalized living space.

Choose the Right Size Painting

The size of the painting is an essential aspect to consider when selecting artwork for your home. A large painting can add a statement piece to your living space and create a focal point in the room, while a small painting can be used to accentuate a particular area or create a sense of harmony in the space. It is important to choose a painting that is proportional to the size of the wall it will be hung on. A small painting on a large wall can make the room look unbalanced, while a large painting on a small wall can make the room feel crowded.

Consider the Color Scheme

When selecting a painting for your home, it is essential to consider the color scheme of the room. The painting should complement the colors in the room and enhance the overall ambiance. If you have a neutral color scheme, a bold and colorful painting can add a pop of color and create visual interest. If you have a more colorful room, a painting with a more subdued color palette can create balance and harmony. At Art With a Personal Touch, we offer a wide range of paintings in various colors and styles to suit every taste and interior design style.

Mix and Match Styles

Mixing and matching painting styles can add personality and create a unique look in your home. You can combine different art styles, such as modern and traditional or abstract and representational, to create a cohesive and visually interesting look. When mixing and matching styles, it is important to keep a sense of balance and avoid overcrowding the room. A good rule of thumb is to use odd numbers when grouping paintings, such as three or five, to create a more balanced and visually appealing look.

Choose the Right Frame

The right frame can enhance the beauty of a painting and add a finished look to the artwork. It is important to choose a frame that complements the painting and fits the overall style of the room. A traditional painting may look best with a classic frame, while a modern painting may look better with a sleek and simple frame. At Art With a Personal Touch, we offer a variety of framing options to suit every taste and budget.

Create a Gallery Wall

A gallery wall is a popular trend in interior design that involves creating a collage of paintings or other artwork on one wall. Gallery walls can add visual interest and create a unique focal point in the room. When creating a gallery wall, it is important to choose a variety of paintings that complement each other in color, style, and size. A gallery wall can be created in any room of the house, including the living room, bedroom, or hallway.


Decorating your home with paintings is an excellent way to add personality and create a unique look in your living space. By following these top 5 tips, you can create a visually appealing and personalized living space that reflects your taste and style. At Art With a Personal Touch, I offer a wide range of paintings in various styles and colors to suit every taste and budget. If you are interested in commissioning a painting or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]. I would be happy to help you find the perfect painting for your home!

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Feel free to contact me with any questions​ about my artwork or commission services. I'll get back to you as soon as possible with an answer and/or a quote.

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